What type of company is Hayabusa Studios?

Allen "Kultherion" Kruse
4 min readApr 7, 2022


The reason I titled this article as such is due to the fact that most people we talk to don’t really understand WHAT we are.

Hayabusa Studios is a Transmedia Entertainment & Production Studio.

Even after we introduce ourselves as such — most questions we get are roughly:

Are you a Video Game Developer? Are you a Blockchain Game Developer? Are you in Animation? Do you make Films?

Because ultimately most don’t truly understand what Transmedia is — or why we decided to go that route. Because to be honest…

We are NOT just a Video Game Development company.
We are NOT just a Blockchain Development company.
We are NOT just an Animation Production company.
We are NOT just a Webcomic Production company.
We are NOT just a Film Production company.
We are NOT just a Book Publishing company.

We are ALL of those things — but initially for just ONE single Intellectual Property (IP).

Our 1st IP — called “Tower’s Gate” is a Transmedia Narrative Property.

Transmedia Narrative Storytelling — is using the same MAIN Story IP, along multiple mediums. Marvel Entertainment does this with its Cinematic Universe, and then branches off beautifully with its Disney+ TV Series (Wanda Vision, Falcon & Winter Soldier, Loki, etc…) as ancillary stories that feed back into and off of the main Cinematic Universe storyline. As evidenced by story elements from the Wanda Vision and Loki series being front and center in the new Dr. Strange: Multiverse of Madness movie coming out next month.

We will do the same thing. But obviously not all at once — but in stages. We don’t have the coffers that Disney does.

We are beginning with our Video Game — that will be built in Unreal Engine 5 (UE5) — because the Tower’s Gate World that we create for the Video Game inside of UE5 also will be used as the location(s) and set for the Animated TV Series and Animated Films we will release.

We will be able to use Motion Capture Technology and Stunt Teams, Next-Gen Digital Volume Technology, and World Class Voice Actors to bring our story to life for TV and Cinema. All within the very world we are creating first with our Video Game.

Here is some of the big differences — and why we are going this route.

TV Show Costs — The two new Amazon Prime Series “The Wheel of Time” and “The Boys” — each have a budget/cost of $10 Million per episode. Both had 8 episodes in their 1st season.

That is an upfront cost of $80 Million (plus whatever cost Amazon paid for the IP rights) each.

Disney’s “The Mandalorian” cost $12.5 Million per episode its first season (also an 8 episode season).

Movie Costs — For a major international distribution movie (Dune, Marvel Movies, etc…) easily $100–150M+

Even Netflix Movies (Extraction, Old Guard, etc…) are $60–75M+.

Dune also took 3 ½ years to make.

Hayabusa Costs (Stages / Products)

Blockchain Game & PC Game — $6 Million

Initially less than $1M to produce the Blockchain Game which will be ready for market in less than 6 months.

PC Game takes the rest ($5M) to get to the Early Access release of the title, and will be ready for market in 12 months once full production starts.

And aside from selling individual game copies or bundles for either the PC Game, the Blockchain or both. The revenue potential is multiples, if not an order of magnitude(s) higher than the cost. Within 24 months of Full Production beginning.

That doesn’t cover any microtransactions, additional side product launches, and merchandise.

And since we will then have a large majority of the game world built out for the PC Game, and we will be able to self fund and produce our TV Series and Movies, as the cost for world production is already sunk, we can begin shooting the TV Series within 18–24 months.

We will then be able to release 60 Minute (10–12 Episode Seasons)Animated Episodes with World Class Voice Acting Talent (Emmy Nominated Voice Acting Director) — for less than $3M per episode, in multiple languages natively, not just dubbed.

P.S. We will be SAG-AFTRA Union Compliant on ALL Voice Acting (video games, commercials, TV series and film) in any language.

As well as produce full 2–3 hour cinematic animated films for less than $20M.

Example for this Genre: An anime movie (Demon Slayer: Mugen Train) cost less than $16M to make and grossed over $500M at the box office — DURING COVID. Well deserved. The movie rocks.

With our IP being a Multiverse AND Transmedia — we get to also branch out into Animated Music Concerts (our Music Director will be a Multi-Grammy Winning Artist), Animated Broadway/Theater, Webcomics, and Novelizations all as additional means to continue to tell the stories in and around our IP universe and meet the fans where they are.

We look forward to be able to start SHOWING you what we are working on in the coming months.

I hope this helps give you a better idea of what you can expect from Hayabusa Studios and what we do.

Talk again soon.



Allen "Kultherion" Kruse

Co-CEO & Tower’s Gate IP Creator — Hayabusa Studios — Transmedia Entertainment & Production Studio (Video Games, TV & Film).